Fluoride In Drinking Water

Dear Friends,

The more I learn about fluoride in our drinking water the more I want to advocate for getting it out of

our drinking water. I was taught that fluoride was great at fighting cavities and I still believe in it as a

topical cavity fighting agent but science is proving more and more that it is unsafe in our drinking water.

I’ve been filtering my water for years to get rid of fluoride and other contaminants. Most filters like Brita

do not filter out fluoride so you have to make sure that the filter you’re using says it filters out fluoride

but you also have to be careful to add minerals into your water if you are drinking from an RO system or

strictly distilled water. I use Epic water filters for my drinking water and we have an RO system at the

office so that every drop of water that goes into your mouth during treatments is extremely pure.

You probably read my previous email regarding toothpaste and why I love Dr. Jen’s toothpaste best.

They make a version with fluoride and one without. Most people are probably fine to use the fluoride

free version because it has hydroxyapatite in it which is a mineral that are teeth are actually made of,

unlike fluoride. If you have a high decay rate I still recommend the version with the fluoride and

hydroxyapatite called Super Paste.

If we didn’t eat carbs or sugars then you wouldn’t really need a toothpaste at all, but in the world we

live in it is difficult to never eat foods with carbs and sugars. I try to limit my carbs and sugars not only

for my teeth health but for my overall health. If you are having a lot of issues with your teeth such as

frequent cavities and gum problems then you are probably having problems with your health in other

areas of your body. The mouth is basically a portal to what is going on in the rest of the body and if

there is inflammation and disease in the mouth then you have inflammation and disease in other parts

of your body. My recommendation is to cut out seed oils, grains and sugars as much as possible for your

mouth and body health.

It is not going to be easy to get our cities to remove fluoride from our water systems because a lot of

people still believe the old science and they don’t realize it was skewed science and studies to fit the

narrative of the cereal companies who wanted to push high carb, high grain diets on us to increase their

sales. That doesn’t mean I don’t think we should not try to get the fluoride out of our city water systems.

It has been proven to reduce IQ in kids and cause many other problems such as brittle bones, kidney

disease, endocrine diseases and more. I urge you to contact your city council member and forward the

attached article that outlines the dangers of water fluoridation.

If you want to read a great article on the all of the currently know dangers of water fluoridation please

click this link: https://www.kevinstock.io/health/health-dangers-of-water-fluoridation/

Best Regards,

Dr. Steve Cook

Dr. Cook