TMJ Workshop
Dear Friends,
I have some exciting news. Earlier this year I was introduced to a local Physical Therapist that specializes in TMJ treatment. Her name is Dr. Ivonne Gonzales, DPT. Since then, we have been collaborating on cases and she has helped many of our patients find relief from TMJ pain and dysfunction. I searched for years to find a competent and knowledgeable therapist that I could work with to help people suffering from TMJ pain. It was difficult to find someone that wants to treat these issues non-surgically like myself. By working with Dr. Gonzales I finally have someone that can help relieve most patients TMJ symptoms and dysfunction without surgery.
We are hosting a free virtual or in-person workshop in October. Click the attached flyer for details and how to sign up. Please share this with any friends or family that might be suffering from TMJ pain. I hope to see some of you at the workshop.
In Good Health,
Steve Cook, DDS