Mask Update

Dear Friends,



As Travis County and City of Austin government announce that masking is only required in hospitals and clinical settings, we will continue to require masking at our office. Everyone will continue wear a mask when entering and exiting the practice, until we need you to remove it for clinical procedures. We have extra masks at the front door in case you forget to bring one. Our team members will continue to wear masks all day. We are doing this out of an abundance of caution and to respect the people who are at risk for severe illness or live with someone who is at risk for severe illness.


Our air filtration units and UVC lamps used to clean the office air will be used in our space indefinitely. Your temperature will continue to be checked upon arrival. Anyone with a temperature of 100.1 or higher will be asked to reschedule for another day.


We will not require that you fill out the COVID screening form any longer, and we will remove our plexiglass barriers at the front desk to improve communication.


The front door will continue to be locked, but we will not require that you call us from your car before being invited to the office. When you have an appointment please knock on the front door and we will let you in. If you prefer to wait in your car, call us when you arrive and we will let you know when you can come up.


We ask that you try to come to your appointment by yourself, unless you need help from a loved one or caregiver.


We have decided to discontinue cleaning night guard appliances in-office indefinitely. If you would like a handout or email with my recommendations on how to clean your appliance, please ask.


I understand that we all have some level of pandemic-induced fatigue and we are ready to get back to “normal”. We have not eliminated the virus and likely never will. Thus, we will continue to adapt to our “new normal” and do everything we can to keep our community as safe as possible. We appreciate your trust and cooperation with our policies.


If you have any questions or comments please email me at



Best Regards,

Dr. Steve

Dr. Cook